


Walker, C. and Van Holstein, E. (2024) Training young co-researchers to interview their parents: the transformative potential of intergenerational interviews. Area [online first]

Van Holstein, E., Wiesel, I., Bigby, C. and Gleeson, B. (2024) Repairing disability access in competitive environments: drivers of inclusive service provision for people with intellectual disabilities. Social & Cultural Geography, [online first]

Wiesel, I., Bigby, C., Van Holstein, E. and Gleeson, B. (2024) Inclusive mainstream services for people with intellectual disabilities: A relational approach. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, [online first]

Walker, C., Van Holstein, E., and Klocker, N. (2024) Young people at a crossroads: Climate solidarity through intergenerational storytelling. Geographical Research [online first]


Van Holstein, E. and Walker, C. (2023) Reframing environmental responsibility at the intersections of cultural and generational difference: Learning from migrant families in Manchester and Melbourne. Geoforum, 146, 103869,

Van Holstein, E., Dulfer, N., Smith, C, and Garner, A. (2023) The alternate infrastructures that support digital counter publics: Digital inequality in an Australian public housing estate. Cities 137, 104328

Walker, C. and Van Holstein, E. (2023) Beyond Climate Strikes: Intersectionality and Environmental Care. In: Wyn, J., Cahill, H., Cuervo, H. (eds) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Singapore: Springer pp. 1-17

Van Holstein, E. (2023) Council managed neighbourhood centres in Melbourne’s growth areas. Melbourne: RMIT University. DOI: 10.25916/ybvy-g865


Van Holstein, E., Wiesel, I., Bigby, C. and Gleeson, B. (2022) More-than-care: people with intellectual disability and emerging vulnerability during pandemic lockdown. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 48(3), 525-540

Wiesel, I., Bigby, C. van Holstein, E. and Gleeson, B. (2022) ‘Mainstreaming’ meets ‘choice and control’: navigating service choice with an intellectual disability. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 41(3), 617-633

Wiesel, I., Bigby, C. van Holstein, E. and Gleeson, B. (2022) Three modes of inclusion of people with intellectual disability in mainstream services: mainstreaming, differentiation and individualisation, Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2022.2060803

Van Holstein, E. (2022) Digital surveillance and place. In: Ward, B. and Adams, P. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Media Geographies. London: Routledge pp. 196-206

Dulfer, N., Smith, C., van Holstein, E., Garner, A., Acosta Rueda, L., Rouse, L., Hamed, S., Cavanagh, K., and Ruppanner, L. (2022) Understanding Digital Inequality: An analysis of unequal connectivity in Carlton Housing Estate, Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney.


Van Holstein, E. (2021) People with intellectual disability in neoliberalizing community spaces. Political Geography [published ahead of print]

Van Holstein, E., Wiesel, I., Bigby, C. and Gleeson, B. (2021) People with intellectual disability and the digitization of services. Geoforum 119: 133-142

Van Holstein, E. (2021) The city as taskscape: an enabling theory for the city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (online spotlight series)


Van Holstein, E., Wiesel, I. and Legacy, C. (2020) Mobility justice and accessible public transport networks for people with intellectual disability. Applied Mobilities [online first] doi 10.1080/23800127.2020.1827557

Wiesel, I and Van Holstein, E (2020) Disability and Place. In: Edensor, T. Kalandides, A. and Kothari, U. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Place. London: Routledge pp. 304-312

Rachele, J.N., Green, C., Feretopoulos, V., De Vries, T., van Holstein, E., Bicknell, E and Wiesel, I. (2020) Feasibility and the care-full just city: overlaps and contrasts in the views of people with disability and local government officers on social inclusion. Cities 100(4): 102650

Lobo, M., Duffy, M., Witcomb, A., Brennan-Horley, C., Kelly, D.L., Barry, K., Bissell, D., Buckle, C., Cretney, R., Harada, T., Hasna, M.F., Kon-yu, N., Shahani, F., Sumartojo, S., van Holstein, E., and Wolifson, P. (2020) Practising lively geographies in the city: encountering Melbourne through experimental field-based workshops. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 44(3), 406-426,


Van Holstein, E. (2019) Self-organising communities in a gentrifying city’. Urban Studies, 57(6), 1284-1300

Van Holstein, E. (2019) The social boundary work and networked gardens of middle-class organic gardeners in Bangalore, India. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 44, 126432

Rachele J., Wiesel I., van Holstein E., de Vries T., Green C., Bicknell E. (2019) Making the City of Melbourne more inclusive for people with disability, University of Melbourne. DOI: 10.26188/5cecbad2cc1b6.


Van Holstein, E. (2018) The relational emergence of community and technology through the politics of water use. Social & Cultural Geography, 21(3), 314-335

Van Holstein, E. and Head, L. (2018) Shifting settler-colonial discourses of environmentalism: Representations of indigeneity and migration in Australian conservation. Geoforum, 94, 41–52.

Van Holstein, E. (2018) Experiences of Participatory Planning in Contexts of Inequality: A Qualitative Study of Urban Renewal Projects in Colombia. Planning Theory and Practice 19(1): 39-57

Van Holstein, E. (2018) Digital geographies of grassroots securitisation’ Social & Cultural Geography, 19(8): 1097-1105  


Van Holstein, E. (2017) Relating to food, nature and community in community gardens. Local Environment 22(10): 1159-1173


Van Holstein, E. (2016) Transplanting, fencing, plotting: relational property practices in community gardens Environment and Planning A 48(11): 2239-2255